18v Li-ion Cordless Hammer Drill in BMC
- Code: PTLCHD18
- Weight: 2.1kg
- EAN: 5013433050189
- Width: 29 cm
- Height: 11 cm
- Depth: 30 cm
- Carton: 5
- Inner: 1
- Order qty: 1
BATTERY CHARGERS RAC-HP026 There is no Voltage across the Chargers Crocodile Clips when I measure it.
A voltage cannot be measured until the charger is connected to a battery. Ensure that the battery has a voltage greater than 1.5V, if there is still no voltage, check the 15A fuse.
PRESSURE WASHERS The detergent does not flow.
The unit will only dispense soap when using the brushes or the high pressure lance. You may need to dilute the detergent. The hole maybe clogged up take detergent out of the bottle and refill it with water then try it if the water goes down it ok but if the water doesnt it is blocked
PRESSURE WASHERS My motor runs constantly.
The motor should only run when the trigger on the gun is pulled. If it runs constantly return the unit to the retailer for exchange.
SAFES: My PIN works and the green light lights, however, the safe won't open
Low batteries. Will operate the keypad but not the lock relay. Use override keys and replace batteries.
SAFES: Why does the Red and Green LED lights come on simultaneously when the correct PIN is entered?
The batteries are depleted. Immediately replace the batteries.
SAFES: When I use the override key, I can't open the door?
Ensure that you are tuning the key anti-clockwise, holding it in that position and then turn the locking knob clockwise.
SAFES: The batteries I bought don't fit into the safe
Try a different brand; we do suggest the Panasonic or Energiser Lithium of AA batteries.
Check input water pressure from mains. Is the motor running. When Trigger is pressed do you get water at the mains press through the Lances, if all is yes. This could mean the pressure switch needs changing.
PRESSURE WASHERS The 'O' rings have burst and now the lances are leaking?
Please ensure that the Patio Cleaner Lance (the longer one), is only used on the Patio Cleaner. Any other use will cause damage to the 'O' ring or may even cause the lance to become stuck. The Patio Cleaner Lance cannot be used as an extension to the pressure lance or gun. Replacement 'O' rings are available from our spares department. See 'SPARES' above. Note: Before fitting new 'O' rings, ensure that the lance is free from debris as this could cause a blockage.
PRESSURE WASHERS The female connector is leaking or keeps disconnecting from the male connector?
When connecting the male/female connectors, please ensure you hear a positive click as it engages into place. If needed a little washing-up liquid on the male end will help.
PRESSURE WASHERS The male quick fit connector for my pressure washer is missing?
The male and female quick fit connectors are packaged together, pull the orange or green section of the female connector towards the direction of the arrow, twist and pull the male quick fit connector off.
SAFES: Can I get a replacement key for my safe?
No replacement keys are available for safes. This is for security reasons. We cannot guarantee who would be replacing the spare keys.
SAFES: I am experiencing problems using the backup key; it is unable to slide smoothly into the keyhole.
Spray inside the key hole with a lubricant such as WD40. Leave for a few minutes and then try again.
SAFES: My keys are locked in my Digital Safe and the batteries are flat, how can I open the safe?
you will need to drill through the lock where you put your key to open you safe. DRILLING THE LOCK: Use a high speed steel (HSS) drill bit with a mains powered drill. Start by using a small drill bit and increase the size until you have reached the maximum of 16mm. Do not be tempted to start with a large bit as this may cause a hazard! Drill completely through the lock. Replacement locks are available from our website(see SPARES), the stock code number is QLBK.
SAFES: When I put the PIN number into my Digital Safe, the display shows ERROR?
This means your pin is not been entered correctly or has been changed
SAFES: I recently changed the batteries in the safe, the safe has now reset the code and I can't use the code I had been using.
If the batteries are completely depleted for more than a day then the safe will not retain the code. Refer to the user manual to re-set your original code or to enter a new code. NOTE: WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR CODE OFTEN FOR SECURITY REASONS.
PRESSURE WASHER no water coming through the Lances but motor is running
There is a blockage. Check the water filter to see if the water filter is not damaged or blocked. This is located behind the water inlet adaptor.
How to Programme or change pin for S25LCD(ii)B
Press the Reset button which is located inside the safe door. 1. Press # 2. Enter 1234 3. Press # 4. The LCD will display "open" ignore and carry on 5. Press star 6. Enter your new Pin 7. Press # 8. Enter your Pin again 9. Press# 10. The LCD will display "Into" for a few seconds 11. Your new Pin is set.
Newest | 29 Sep 2017 |